
2024 Bird-A-Thon: Species Observed
Find info on how to donate on our Bird-A-Thon page.
Thanks to all who participated! 

Your generous donations at any level provide funding for the grants we award each year. See the organizations who received grant funding for the 2023-24 term on our Making a Difference page.

Trumpeter Swans @ Big Woods Lake     Photo by Scott Garrett

Combat Climate Change With A Carbon Tax Read PRAS Board Member & Conservation Chair's column.

Did you know that most birds migrate at night? Unfortunately, they can be drawn off course by lighted structures—many are killed in building collisions or drop from exhaustion after circling them. Learn how you can help. https://bit.ly/3TAliGq

Climate Models Do Work
Read PRAS Board Member Conservation Chair, David Voigts' column.

Subscribe to our Online RedTail Newsletter
We've gone online now...check out the online RedTail Newsletter on the "Newsletters & Zoom" page and find archived newsletters. 

Song on a Wire - Wikimedia Commons
Bird Flight Patterns and Music Concert Program
You are now able to access the online concert video and curriculum (see link and password below-posted with permission by the copyright holder).
The link provides the full concert video and online curriculum with activities, lessons, extra musical performances, composer interviews and educational games. 
This resource will remain active through June 2022 (for one year), so utilize it for your programs, personal edification working with your children or grandchildren to teach them about music and birds!

Password:  BFPMC  (case sensitive)


Find an injured bird or animal? Call Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project 319-277-6511

Subscribe to the PRAS YouTube Channel if you are interested in watching recordings of our past Zoom meetings for which we have permission to post for viewing.

Contribute to our Flickr Photo Stream
Go to this URL:   https://www.flickr.com/photos/prairierapidsaudubon/
Click "Login" 
The email address associated with PRAS's account is:   praudubon@gmail.com
Email praudubon@gmail.com to request password for email; we won't post it here online.
Save the UN and PWD so it is quick and easy the next time you upload photos.
Click the Upload icon (looks like cloud with an arrow) and follow prompts.
Here is Flick's help page for uploads.
Click the Photos link on the above navigation bar to see photos.

Find us on Facebook
We share information about field trips, local sightings, fun and interesting photos and stories about birds, nature, the environment, etc. on our Facebook page. Check it out and like us and "share" our posts.