Membership fees & generous donations to PRAS support many different initiatives. These projects are certainly making a difference to our communities, the environment, and bird life.
Want to contribute? Make a donation today...any and all donations are appreciated!
Send donations to PRAS PO Box 682 Waterloo, IA 50704 or donate online (see link below).
A generous donor is offering you an exciting opportunity!
The donor will match all donations to the PRAS bird feed fund between now and March 11, 2025, up to $1,000!
To have your tax-deductible donation doubled:
~ Send a check (issued to PRAS) before March 11 to:
PRAS, PO Box 682, Waterloo, IA. 50704
~ To donate using Pay Pal or a credit or debit card, click the yellow donate button above.
Thank you for supporting our feeding operations at George Wyth, the Cedar Falls Visitor Center, and Cedar Valley Hospice!
- To see the weeks that we need assistance, click this link to our spreadsheet.
- Email PRAS at to let us know you want to help. We will contact you and share pertinent details.
Bremer County Conservation Board - $470 grant to purchase of Environmental Education supplies including seven puppets, twelve books, a bird bingo game, bird matching game, construction paper and dot markers. See thank you note.
Buchanan County Conservation Board - $990 grant for Crumbacher Wetland Wood Duck Box Enhancement used to purchase six Duck Hut nesting boxes and mounting posts. This project would greatly increase nesting opportunities for wood ducks in the Crumbacher Wildlife Area year after year.
Denver Public Library - $850 grant for Denver Library Outdoor Education Area. Grant funds to be use to purchase enhancements to existing outdoor area including bluebird houses, butterfly models, fountain/bubbler, binoculars for bird viewing station and metal plant identification stakes.
Elizabeth Rasmussen Martin Memorial Library (New Hartford) - $400 grant to provide funds for a presenter on “Hummingbird Travels”, ten Build-a-Bee houses and books for a summer reading program. See more photos.
Hawkins Memorial Library (LaPorte City) - $380.47 grant for books and materials for their elementary school summer reading program entitled “Owl Education”. Grant funds to be used to purchase books, puppets, owl pellets and disposable forceps. Owl pellets would be dissected and bones categorized by participants.
Total contributions awarded during the 2022-23 PRAS year equals: $3968.92.
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Library Director Jolene Kronschnabel and PRAS Board Member, Charlene Heiar at the Hawkins Memorial Library, LaPorte City, IA. |
New Hartford Public Library (Martin Memorial Library) - $500 for books for summer programming focusing on prairie habitat.
Fontana Nature Center - $100 for PRAS sponsorship of a Red-tailed Hawk.
2022 PRAS Grant Awards
Bremer County - $400 to Bremer County Nature Alliance to purchase materials for the repair and upgrade of the Babcock Woods Bird Blind. See photos of restored bird blind.
Buchanan County (Fontana Nature Center) - $1000 for purchase of a spotting scope and tripod to used for birding programs at the nature center.
Grundy County - $1000 to mount a road killed immature Bald Eagle to be displayed at the Grundy County Heritage Museum in Morrison, Iowa.
North Cedar Neighborhood Association (Cedar Falls, IA) - $400 to purchase materials and rent equipment to build and install Barred Owl nesting box in the North Cedar Natural Resource area.
Denver Public Library - $700 to be used to purchase and install a flagpole to display Denver’s Bird Friendly flag drawing attention to the area on the north side of the library.
Hawkins Memorial Library (LaPorte City) - $350 to purchase bird education objects including bird books, finger puppets, jigsaw puzzles and magnifying glasses for library educational programs.
New Hartford Public Library (Martin Memorial Library) - $700 to purchase bird books, bird feeder kits, and cover presentation fees for speakers. Note: The planting of a pocket prairie at the library and several different special presentations by Vern Fish and the raptor rehabilitation organization, SOAR, were done in lieu of the planned painting of the mural that was originally specified. See photos and more photos.
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"Song on a Wire" - Wikimedia Commons |
You are now able to access the online concert video and curriculum (see link and password below-posted with permission by the copyright holder).
The link provides the full concert video and online curriculum with activities, lessons, extra musical performances, composer interviews and educational games. This resource will remain active through June 2022 (for one year), so utilize it for your programs, personal edification working with your children or grandchildren to teach them about music and birds!
Password: BFPMC (case sensitive)
First, I would like to thank everyone who paid dues and made donations to PRAS. The goal of these grants and gifts is to provide a resource for projects that are in line with the mission of PRAS to develop an appreciation for birds along with preserving and conserving nature for people today and for future generations. -- Dennis Schmadeke, Grants Coordinator
The following is a list and brief description of projects to which our grants and gifts were awarded.
- Black Hawk County (Hartman Reserve Nature Center) - $270 to develop exhibits and engagements geared especially to young children. Specifically, a large-scale portable bird nest with many cloth and poly-fill eggs of different native Iowa bird species.
- Bremer County Conservation Board - $500 to purchase educational supplies for programs including interactive props, birding supplies and pond nets.
- Butler County (Heery Woods Nature Center) - $1000 to provide funding for the expansion of the nature center new classroom, additional exhibit space and program materials.
- Buchanan County Conservation Board - $1000 to provide funding to purchase kayaks to give participants an opportunity to view birds and other wildlife along waterways. Also provide opportunities to talk about Iowa waterways as well as getting into kayak fishing.
- Denver Public Library - $750 to purchase binoculars and field guides to create four birding backpacks that could be checked out from the library for a one-week period of time. They also would like to develop a hummingbird garden by the library.
- Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation - $500 to provide funds for food and supplies for birds and other wildlife that have been rescued.
- Jon Stravers - $500 to continue his research on Cerulean Warblers. Jon is an ornithologist in McGregor, Iowa who has spent years researching birds and has been a guest program speaker at our PRAS monthly meetings. Cerulean Warbler Populations Steady in NE Iowa details the results of Straver's research.
- City of Denver, Iowa - $100 to pay for their first application fee on becoming a Bird Friendly Iowa city. Denver became a BFI city just this year.
- Iowa Young Birders - $100 donation for young Iowans ages 8-18 to study and enjoy birds and birding. They offer many field trips all around Iowa.
- Bird ID wheel -$100 to purchase materials to construct a spinning wheel to be used for educational purposes.
- Collidescape - $100 to purchase window strike tape samples. You will be able see these at our monthly PRAS meetings.
2019 PRAS Grant Awards
- Black Hawk County received $540 for rubbing plates, posts to mount plates and Olympic signs to be installed adjacent to the interpretive bird walk with interactive displays in the bird area at Hartman Reserve Nature Center.
- The Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project received $500 for lead test kits that will help diagnose poisoning in raptors and waterfowl.
- Bremer County received $750 to fund the purchase one kayak, one paddle and one life jacket to develop canoeing/kayaking programs initially for children on field trips and outdoor days. They want to have a fleet of 6-8 kayaks and open programs to general public and adults. See the thank you note and photos.
- Buchanan County received $1000 to build an interactive kiosk at Fontana Park Nature Center. The kiosk will feature a video of nature in area parks and natural areas.
- At our September PRAS meeting, three articulate young Girl Scouts shared information about the Silver Award project they completed over the summer. The project consisted of the girls working with local blacksmith to create an iron tree that holds 20 bird feeders This structure will be featured in the Canfield Bird Garden in George Wyth State Park. Each young woman also did research on their favorite bird and enjoyed learning about avian species.
- Butler County received $1000 to create a basic tree identification exhibit at Heery Woods Nature Center. The exhibit will feature a mural with panels professionally painted. (See second photo below).
Building a nest box - Butler County - Heery Woods Nature Center |
Mural and bird nest box building project. |
Heery Woods Nature Center Open House Bird Nesting Box Build |
- Butler County: $800 for bird house building project. Materials for Peterson style bluebird, wren and kestrel boxes will be purchased for partnering with school children and 4-H clubs who will build & take the boxes to be installed around the county.
- Bremer County: $575 for Epson wireless projector and speakers for programs. Programs will be done in area libraries, nursing homes, etc.
- Buchanan County: $950 for a new hands on exploration wetlands exhibit at Fontana Nature Center.
- Orange Elementary School: $405 for supplies for a beehive to pollinate the maturing prairie at the school and more native plants.
- Hardin County: $500 for optics to be used to monitor wildlife responses, including bird species, to management techniques. The observations garnered will be used to make more informed habitat management decisions.
2017 PRAS Grant Awards:
- New bird feeders at Cedar Valley Hospice were purchased; PRAS volunteers fill the feeders routinely throughout the year.
- $500 was awarded to Jon Stravers to continue Cerulean Warbler research in NE Iowa. Straver's research is critical to the conservation of this species and helped to secure part of the Yellow River Forest being named as a globally important bird area.
- Funds were awarded to Hartman Reserve to cover taxidermy fees for a bird display being built for their new building.
- Buchanan Co. for a winter duck and raptor building-$1,000
- Buchanan Co. for an egg display-$500
- Butler Co. for phase 1 of a sod house-$1,000 (actual cost is $1,093)
- Black Hawk Co. for a nest cam exhibit-$500Bremer Co. for 40 bluebird houses along Sweetwater Trail-$500; read thank you note from Heather Gamm, Bremer County Naturalist
Thanks to your generosity, the 2015 Bird-A-Thon broke records with over $7000 raised. The PRAS Board recently awarded grants to the following projects, putting your donations to good use. All of the counties in our PRAS service area had organizations that received funding this year. A total of $5650 was awarded; congratulations to those who received grants!
- Bremer County Conservation Board - Canoe trailer - $500 -- See more details here.
PRAS funds contributed in the completion of a new canoe trailer for Bremer County.
- Grundy County Conservation Board- Prairie cross-section exhibit - $1000
- Black Hawk County - Hartman Reserve - 10 binoculars - $500 See report & photo.
Buchanan County Conservation Board- Buckets for Butterflies |
- Buchanan County Conservation Board - $500 for eagle carrier & funds for the "Buckets for Butterflies" project See report and photos.
- Butler County Conservation Board - 20 binoculars - $650 See report.
- Waterloo Center for the Arts - Nature camp for youth - $500
- Sustainable Independence - PRAS purchased one solar panel - $1,000