
Prairie Rapids Audubon Society, Chapter H60
Membership Form
Choose between the two categories of membership in Prairie Rapids Audubon.
Print this page and mail with payment using the appropriate address below.

CATEGORY A= Membership in the National Audubon Society and your local chapter.
You will be supporting national conservation efforts.
You receive: 4 issues of Audubon Magazine & 8 issues of the local chapter newsletter, The Red Tail.

____ Dues are $20.00. Annual renewals will be mailed to you by the NAS or you may renew your membership for NAS via PRAS.
 Make check payable to National Audubon Society
 Mail to:  PRAS P.O. Box 682  Waterloo, IA 50704

CATEGORY B= Membership in the Local Prairie Rapids Audubon Chapter Only
You will be supporting local conservation efforts as all funds remain with the local chapter
Membership year is from January through December.
You receive: 8 issues of the local chapter newsletter, The Red Tail.

____ Local Chapter Dues   $15.00 each year    (This form may also be used for renewals)

____ Lifetime Membership at the local PRAS level   $150.00 

NAME: __________________________________  PHONE: _______________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

CITY:________________________________  STATE:_______  ZIP:_________________

EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________
Make check payable to: Prairie Rapids Audubon Society
Mail to: Prairie Rapids Audubon P.O. Box 682 Waterloo, IA 50704

Join or Renew Memberships via PayPal
All transactions will be completed on PayPal's secure server. Please add your mailing address in the notes on the PayPal form so we can send you our newsletter.


General Donations
We are a 501(c)(3) organization; donations to PRAS supports projects, education and conservation efforts throughout our service area. Want to help us make a difference? Please send your donation to:

Prairie Rapids Audubon Society

P.O. Box 682
Waterloo, IA 50704

You will receive a receipt acknowledging your monetary contribution via mail. All contributions are welcome and appreciated. 

If you would like to donate online, click the button below; please add your mailing address in the notes on the PayPal form so that we may send you a letter acknowledging your donation.