New to Birding?
Check out this great brochure on getting started in this wonderful activity.
Wednesday Morning Birding
Wednesday Morning Birding coordinators, Craig and Kris Rash reported that 7 field trips were held last spring from April 10 to May 22. We sighted a total of 106 species with an average of 44 species at each outing. Our average number of birders was 15 faithful participants. Improving our birding skills is always a benefit of our WMB but the camaraderie of our gathering is another priority. We are excited when those in our group are able to add a species to their life list as happened when we spotted a Sandhill Crane fly over during our April 17th birding at George Wyth State Park.
Plans for this Fall:
Hopefully, PRAS WMB will experience warm autumn weather and brilliant fall colors as migrants once again begin to cross our state. We look forward to gathering for field trips as they serve as a catalyst to renew friendships and share stories of our summer and past adventures. Our intent is to assist with bird identification process. Binoculars will be provided and sightings will be recorded in E-Bird and sent via email to participants. Remember to access the PRAS website to check for changes made to the schedule before attending. Cancellations will be sent out via email by 6:30 am the morning of our scheduled field trip in case of inclement weather.
October field trips will be determined at a later date. Suggestions for locations are always welcome as are individuals to lead field trips.
Sept 11th, 8:30 AM: Hartman Reserve lower level, Cedar Falls. Drive to Lookout Park and access Park Drive. Continue to the lower-level parking area. Here is the GPS point for the parking area:
Sept 25th, 8:30 AM: Riverview Recreation Area - Harold Getty Lake, Waterloo. At the stoplight follow Mitchell Street about 0.25 miles east of Highway 218 to the parking lot. GPS Point:
PRAS Field Trip Locations
If we don't have a specific field trip scheduled, feel free to go and explore on your own at these locations that we typically visit during our group field trips. If you want to lead a field trip, email Craig and Kris Rash and we will help get the word out. We are always looking for people to share their favorite spots.
Washington Union Access - North of Cedar Falls at Cedar-Wapsi Road (C-57). Parking lot is located on south side of road just before crossing the Cedar River Bridge. GPS point: