
Bird-A-Thon 2024: Species Observed
Through your generous contributions, PRAS will be able to support grant requests for education and conservation projects for 2024-25. The PRAS Board is always appreciative of projects our members suggest for funding in our six PRAS counties. It is a “feel-good” activity.  It’s easy to contribute, print out the form, or make a donation online using the link below (scroll to the bottom of the page). Any and all contributions are appreciated!

Understand these funds are necessary to supplement our local membership dues in order to carry on the operations of our society budget to continue our mission to support birds and nature in our six-county service area and beyond.  

Bird-A-Thon Pledge 2024
Prairie Rapids Audubon Society 501(c)(3)
Click here to get a print-friendly PDF of the Bird-A-Thon pledge form.
Or use the PayPal button below to make your donation.



(Your email address will only be used to send you Audubon information.)

Circle your pledge amount:  $.15     .25      .35     .50     1.00    Other $_______per species

                                               multiplied by the number of species  $________________

                                         or  One Lump Sum    $_______________________  

  Please mail your pledge (or check) to : Craig Rash
                                                               105 Woodland Springs Road
                                                               Denver Iowa  50622
Make check(s) payable to:  Prairie Rapids Audubon Society and indicate Bird-A-Thon on the check.

PRAS is a 501(c)(3) organization.